As a hair-obsessive I’m always hunting for new treatments. My hair is pretty dry and a real nightmare to get under control for work. Frizzball hair in the office is an absolute no! I had heard of Zoltan as the total mane-master of London, so I went to him for some advice.
This is the best hair advice I’ve ever had…
1. How did you get into the hair industry?
I have been doing hair now for 24 years! I originally got into the industry when a girlfriend of mine had just qualified and I followed suit.
2. What are your top three haircare tips?
Number one is definitely to plait your hair. If you have long hair this is the best way to keep your hair undamaged. This is ideal before going to bed, etc.
Use a weekly mask or oil treatment as this will really condition the hair.
Do in-salon treatments that actually work. Make sure you choose the right ones for you.
3. Tell us about Brazilian/keratin treatments? Are they for everyone? What are the benefits?
It’s depends what’s the customer needs as it’s not the answer for everyone. The right treatment has to be chosen for the right hair type. The benefits are that hair will be more manageable and shinier and softer.
4. You travelled to Korea to get your microsteamer. Tell us how that works? Why haven’t we seen these become widely used in London yet?
The microsteamer works because it has an ultrasound which cuts water molecules into tiny mist particles. These molecules help to penetrate the treatment into deeper layers of the hair.
A lot of European hairdressers don’t seem to care about hair condition, they don’t seem to think long term. Their aim is to please the customer there, hence they won’t invest in machines like this. We think it’s amazing and really revolutionary.
I had my treatment with the lovely Zoltan who was a total hair-whisperer. I would highly recommend it and my hair has never been better, despite the bleachhair straighterghter abuse I’ve given it!