Chi Truong

Hair straightening expert, and re-texturising specialist

Chi Truong

Hair straightening specialist.

Began hairdressing in 2004 joining zoltan-hair salon working alongside zoltan vargyai, the re texturising expert and the creator of Comptonhair was an established company known for the specialising  japanese hair straightening where chi then found a keen interest to develop a career with them.

fascinated by chemical straightening process, lead chi to train at yuko academy to perfect her skills and taking her knowledge of hair biology further.

On returning to comptonhair she  went on becoming  head technician for straightening hair. Her work was recognised for mastering new techniques inspiring many new technicians to  follow and  soon within she began teaching them.

Now with over 10 years of experience, her techniques has proven a success  with clients from all over world requiring for her specialised service and has also freelanced for salons in London.

To this date she continues to research testing the latest technology of straightening systems only to meet the  challenges for very difficult hair conditions , delivering quality results would she consider it to used. and educate her skills to apprentices.


