Zoltan Vargyai has introduced his new system, It’s formaldehyde free and uses a combination of amino acids and Guarana extract to reduce frizz and inject a healthy, glossy shine.
Best for: Battling Frizz
Brazilian blow dries have been around for a while. They are fantastic at reducing frizz and making hair appear healthier. However the process can give off some nasty fumes leaving you in tears (quite literally) and the fact that they contain formaldehyde has been (rightly or wrongly) a topic of concern in recent months. Now there is another option. Zoltan Vargyai has introduced his new system, Amazon. It’s formaldehyde free and uses a combination of amino acids and Guarana extract to reduce frizz and inject a healthy, glossy shine. It doesn’t irritate eyes and the results last just as long as a regular Brazilian, but its greatest advantage is that you can wash your hair the same day as having the two hour treatment rather than having to persevere with product heavy, unwashed hair for three whole days.

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